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Why I quit my main job to do this: Type 2 Diabetes Reversal & Obesity.


To have more time to spend with people to change their quality of life for the better.


To get you to change incrementally for the better on a continual basis. Consistent and persistent change. Decisions are made in an instant -if you want/need to be challenged or be told absolutely what to do then I have the background and experience to do so. 


For many it's an individual agreement process. Some can be given a tick list of guidelines/things to do for a month and just get on with it.


This is UNLIKELY: my experience is the successful people agree to one or two changes a month for approximately 6-12 months and provide the evidence to having done it. They have managed the one or two goals a month. Lots of 'diet' studies are short-term <1yr. America's 'Biggest Loser' did not have a follow up show. The followed a low calorie, high exercise program. Which reduced their BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) long-term. So even if they went back to the unsustainable hungry state, unsustainable exercise regimes EVEN WITH LESS CALORIES than they usually ate prior: they would regain the lost weight and put on even more, sadly, as their BMR lowered with lower calories consumed. Your body responds to the amount of energy/types of energy ingested. So if you eat less - your body responds by lowering it's 'demands' to keep homoeostasis/equilibrium/status quo (body's set weight).



Those who succeed will usually have reached a very clear crossroad:

A moment they say themselves: "I'm absolutely SO fed up I am going to change TODAY."

If you have got to a stage where  you have got to change you may need some assistance with this aspect of your life -a change of mindset, diet, exercise, to lose weight and/or reverse your pre/Type 2 diagnosis within 8 weeks.

If you had the knowledge, mindset, and application you probably wouldn't be reading this, right? A bit harsh but true.


The key is a longer term life change of course - but a short shock to get the sugar out of your body is a proven way to make you healthier. Reduced calorie/starvation reduces your BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate - the energy your body requires to maintain normal function) and there is a tendency to continue the cycle of binge eating then punishing yourself by eating less. Along with the negative mindset which in itself is unhealthy and counterproductive. 


Some can get their sugar levels to drop in a week (it can be done) ..TOTAL sugar in your body drops, blood sugar drops, and weight loss/reduce fat cells in 6-8 weeks with a change of mindset/fasting/food.


You may have been told  Type 2 is a progressive disease that will require more and more drugs (which don't cure the diabetes itself). You will look back at the next 3 to 6 months and hopefully fix yourself for the rest of your life if you engage with me. Diabetes Type 2 is reversible.


You have consistently got into this situation. And repeatedly stayed there despite not wanting to be this way. I can give a little help to guide you to improve just by a small increment.. or make the decision to commit to 1 to 6 month's of one-to-one advice once a week. It will cost far less than your food & drink consumption does. The key is knowing how to do this which will probably not be accomplished by a simple Youtube instructional video. It needs to be tailor-made for you as an individual.





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