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23rd March 2024

TThe AHA says Fasting increases cardiac risk by 91%.
Are they really that stupid?
Dr. Fung shares his insights on the American Heart Association's latest abstract, which implies a potential 91% rise in the risk of heart disease associated with a 16-hour fasting period.he AHA says Fasting increases cardiac risk by 91%.
Are they really that stupid?

Dr. Fung shares his insights on the American Heart Association's latest abstract, which implies a potential 91% rise in the risk of heart disease associated with a 16-hour fasting period.

20th March 2024

Kraft profits rose from £265m to £1.8 billion - nearly 7 times the profit from pre to post 'Covid'. Not from selling fresh vegetables. Heinz soups with sugar. When did your gran pour sugar into a home made soup? Mac and Cheese. Tacos. Anything with a lack of nutrients, cheap to make, and profit. And we are getting more obese and Diabetes Type 2 is going exexponentially up. The American companies who sponsor Senators in the USA drive this. Mr Kellogg wants to sell cereals for breakfast. 7-11 Lifestyle & food coaching, mindset coaching, practical weekly exercise advice and support. Seeks to educate not medicate and does not give medical or specific nutritio

19th March 2024

The Times  - Front page article on 'Fasting linked to heart attacks and strokes.' "This kind of study cannot prove cause and effect." Professor Victor Wenze Zhong  - the study was only on eating patterns over 2 days.

It will be revealing to see who sponsored the survey as fasting is over 2,000 years old and now big pharma/drug companies which have given us diabetes advice in extremis in the last 50 years now tell us we should be eating less. 7-11 Lifestyle & food coaching, mindset coaching, practical weekly exercise advice and support. Seeks to educate not medicate and does not give medical or specific nutrition.

2nd November 2023

Obesity is now more prevalent in the UK than ever before - as is food poverty. Intermittent fasting (reducing the time between eating - (safely as per your GP's advice) - and keeping your 'maintenance' for weight calories similar may help in weight loss and retaining muscle along with safe weight training and walking for cardio.

7-11 Diabesity is lifestyle & food coaching, mindset coaching, practical weekly exercise advice and support. Seeks to educate not medicate and does not give medical or specific nutrition

2nd July 2023

After 9 months of reducing calories and exercising more - the results are clear. Weight loss is about the types of calories we consume. Mainly healthy fats first (olive oil and fish oils, proteins from organic fish / grass fed meat/ and green vegetables with little pesticides. THIS IS  FOR ALL TO SEE but we need to weave this into our daily lives. If you are overweight then this has been a long term way you have been overweight and all the long term health problems this results in. Giving a person a 'diet & exercise' plan for 6 weeks simply does not work long term. You need personal planning. I do this for £20 an hour Level 4 Obesity Qualified and  L3 Personal Trainer. Email me and I will help you. 

7-11 Diabesity is lifestyle & food coaching, mindset coaching, practical weekly exercise advice and support. Seeks to educate not medicate and does not give medical or specific nutrition


23rd July 2021

The Biggest Loser USA showed that reducing calories reduces your BMR (amount of energy required for daily functions) then CICO (Calories In Calories Out) as a long term way of weight loss does not work. Hence there was no series two as everyone had put weight back on. Reducing Calories and Exercising More has been proven not to work LONG TERM by the 50,000 WHI USA over 7 years). If you try restricted 'time' eating (basically being in weight loss not weight gain mode - by not having insulin constantly activated) - you should keep your food consumption similar to previously but in s shorter time window.

7-11 Diabesity is lifestyle & food coaching, mindset coaching, practical weekly exercise advice and support. Seeks to educate not medicate and does not give medical or specific nutrition advice.



23rd September 2020

There is more evidence which is not reactionary that CV and cancer deaths with type 2 diabetes may be reduced by coffee and green tea consumption. {BMJ Open Diabetes Research & Care}. Basically - lots of teas with no milk and a couple of cups of coffee a day seem to be beneficial for health re: antioxidants. Green tea not to be de-caffeinated perhaps but keep an eye on your caffeine intake especially after late afternoon for potential effects on sleep.


7-11 Diabesity is lifestyle & food coaching, mindset coaching, practical weekly exercise advice and support. Seeks to educate not medicate and does not give medical or specific nutrition advice.


22nd September 2020

The Lancet Diabetes and Endocrinology quoted in the "I"

Still mentions low calorie eating plans with no mention of healthy fats.

Eat healthy fatty foods first! They do not raise your insulin levels which drive weight gain.

Have a 10 minute look below for the correct foods to eat.

7-11 Diabesity is lifestyle & food coaching, mindset coaching, practical weekly exercise advice and support. Seeks to educate not medicate and does not give medical or specific nutrition advice.


13th September 2020

Have a look at Sweden and lock down. I am not going to get political. But it is a good time to lose weight, boost your immune system, and generally get healthier. Or is it. If there was a slow down in flu deaths for the aged population in 'winter' UK 2019 then those people survived and were probably more at risk this year (2020). 

I can add no further than: see your GP, take some exercise (with weight training included is safe to do weights above your head), eat clean vegetables and meats/fish. Maybe get some more magnesium.  And try not to focus on the media - the media makes money.  

7-11 Diabesity is lifestyle & food coaching, mindset coaching, practical weekly exercise advice and support. Seeks to educate not medicate and does not give medical or specific nutrition advice.


1st September 2020

800 calorie shakes & soup diets for Diabetes Type 2 and Obesity chosen by the government. Carbs or Protein or Fat? thank goodness some doctors are calling this out: "To imply that ultra-processed low-calorie soup and shakes is the best solution to reverse type 2 diabetes is misleading at best and deceitful at worst. Only a minority can tolerate a restrictive diet beyond a few days." Dr. Aseem Malhotra in The 'I' 1st Sep 2020.

This doesn't even cover the fact that reduced-calorie diets do not work long term and that it effectively just reduces BMR.

7-11 Diabesity is lifestyle & food coaching, mindset coaching, practical weekly exercise advice and support. Seeks to educate not medicate and does not give medical or specific nutrition advice.


19th August 2020

More research on obesity and type 2 in relation to Covid and immune system which shows a healthy weight, fitness, and fresh food is the way to go. I am teaching 'older' people basically the same things they grew up on (and got to a grand old age!) the same things they were told by their own parents: fresh food which has not been watered down or added to by big food companies. Almost full circle. Yes, some things have changed like not smoking. But the older generations knew not drinking too much alcohol was a good thing for family life and health. The American Heart Association and American Diabetes Association are sponsored - by food companies. Do your own research and ask why. It's not complicated. Companies are there to make money.

Grow (at least some) of your own vegetables, have a look at your own farms to see how they treat their animals (if possible), and try not to buy products with labels on them. 

The Government (UK) App - OK , it makes you at least think a little. No mention of carbs vs fat as it talks about calories.  Only part of the story. I have difficulty in counting calories as you would need to buy products with labels on them - which is kind of the whole point - you buy a bag of carrots and a couple of cabbages, a fresh mackerel (from your fishmonger) - they won't give you a label with calories on it.


Simple but needs  a bit of work especially if you have nagging kids. Having said that - I have some friends on the same salaries whose kids eat fresh veg and some who eat no veg. Same incomes. 


7-11 Diabesity is lifestyle & food coaching, mindset coaching, practical weekly exercise advice and support. Seeks to educate not medicate and does not give medical or specific nutrition advice.


9th August 2020

Got the Government App Better Health Drive.  You might have  had 3 days of your '5 a day' - all grapes and bananas.

There's still no practical way of accurately counting calories/portions, and the calories (JUST calories) are not meaningful calories i.e. they do not differentiate the split between healthy fats (avocados, olives, olive oil, nuts, fish) and carbohydrates (again - healthy ones from veg vs cereals). I fasted from 6pm Friday to 6pm Sunday) to reduce the insulin spikes and help the liver out.

So, it's a great idea in theory - which needed to be backed up with a food education prior. Which is what we are trying to do here.

Paint a 'broad picture' of the types of foods to eat: if we start with broccoli with organic butter on - it's pretty unlikely you are going to overeat if this makes up about half of your plate.

Getting your kids to eat vegetables for a start - some parents managed to get their kids to eat them from a very young age.. it would now be more difficult (and slightly unfair) to expect them to switch Mc/Nuggets with chips/fries to something they may not have seen or eaten before - something 'green' in colour.

    7-11 Diabesity is lifestyle & food coaching, mindset coaching, practical weekly exercise advice and support. Seeks to educate not medicate and does not give medical or specific nutrition advice.


27th July 2020

The UK government has launched their Better Health Drive today as two thirds of us are overweight/obese - which

is understood to either not help/lead to countless health complications including higher morbidity rates for those with Covid-19 and also potentially leading to Type 2. This involves calorie-counting on menus, etc. It is the types of calories that produce differing hormonal responses not merely the amount.

Also GPs are to 'deliver' (presumably not over the telephone) a 12-week healthy eating and fitness plan - which many of them either have not had formal training on and indeed are unable to put into practice themselves. Read Jason Fung's Obesity Code and Diabetes Code. It's great to see obesity being looked at - it remains to be seen how this will work as GPs are well over worked as it is and (some of them) prescribe pills for Type 2 as a choice instead of dietary controls.

      7-11 Diabesity is lifestyle & food coaching, mindset coaching, practical weekly exercise advice and support. Seeks to educate not medicate and does not give medical or specific nutrition advice.


26th July 2020

If you are overweight and concerned about health issues especially in the current climate then try these 3 simple steps:

1. Find local shops that stock real food. Nuts, vegetables, fish, and meats.

2. Buy a secondhand stir fry cook book.

3. For a day or a week try to eat in a 7-11 window but keep your calories/meals the same sizes: so eat your first meal after 11am, and your last meal before 7pm. This keeps the insulin (hormone that drives weight gain) pulsing as opposed to being constant. Hormones are meant to provide a reaction - if you keep hormones high then you can become resistant to them. Hence the term insulin-resistant.'

       7-11 Diabesity is lifestyle & food coaching, mindset coaching, practical weekly exercise advice and support. Seeks to educate not medicate and does not give medical or specific nutrition advice.


17th July 2020

Public Health England - "overweight and obese (sic) to cost NHS £9.7bn by 2050...more than the police, fire service, and judicial system combined." 

There are a number of top-down proposals (some have been very effective in, for example, smoking policies): banning certain food adverts after certain times, stopping 'super size' deals on junk foods, calories on menus as mentioned prior.

If our kids were educated by their parents or schools (or a combination of both more likely) eating habits might change. Big companies would have to change (or at least some of them) to cater for demand rather then food companies creating demand with advertising.

      7-11 Diabesity is lifestyle & food coaching, mindset coaching, practical weekly exercise advice and support. Seeks to educate not medicate and does not give medical or specific nutrition advice.



17th July 2020

Weight loss, reversing your Type 2 Diabetes diagnosis, and to get off your Type 2 drugs is about 95% food intake not exercise.

  • Exercise is good for you. But it does not result in weight loss for most people long term. Exercise is obviously good for muscles, heart and keeping you mentally well. But if you want to lose weight: 

  1. It is not just about calories in and calories out

  2. Your body responds to differently to different types of calories {healthy fats like nuts, salmon, should be your first ones in regardless of 'calories'}.



Please take a look at this link {  }

Intermittent fasting is a great way to reverse your Type 2 Diabetes and to lose weight. Simply reducing calories for a day,week, 3 months has been proven not to work. 

         7-11 Diabesity is lifestyle & food coaching, mindset coaching, practical weekly exercise advice and support. Seeks to educate not medicate and does not give medical or specific nutrition advice.


16th July 2020

High Fructose Corn Syrup - a cheaper version of sugar - this makes your liver fat and then the rest of your sugar intake makes you fatter. 

Cows are fed corn in the USA which is obviously the cheaper way, and the USA has plenty of corn. Which goes back to the corn issue/debates - HFCS {High Fructose Corn Syrup} which was designed to make a cheaper than sugar model - we have corn syrup is in lots of our foods. Cows are meant to eat grass. If we were supposed to eat natural foods - anything that adds to foods or dilutes the natural content is usually about money and can involve antibiotics. In turn - we eat the cows. So if we go back to the 'no ingredients' model of eating this is really simple. We should eat vegetables, nuts, meat, fish, and fruit with no labels on them. 

The 'simple' part is that many of us know this. The harder part is fitting this into our daily, travel, kids, etc.

That is what I do. Manage small lifestyle changes.

                  7-11 Diabesity is lifestyle & food coaching, mindset coaching, practical weekly exercise advice and support. Seeks to educate not medicate and does not give medical or specific nutrition advice.



15th July 2020

More stories on how to get fit from a national paper UK: "Push yourself (exercise wise).... It's easier to eat calories than to burn them off... Don't eat in front of a screen."

Are we so far behind in education? 

The key isn't just the knowledge of the above but putting practical plans into place.

Other - the drivers of communication {Apple, Amazon, FB} - paying little taxes which drive people to buy the cheapest foods which have more additives, sugar, etc. are fighting EU court battles to keep themselves in Luxembourg tax free (-ish). Tax breaks by governments which interfere with capitalism in one sense are now coming to court. Ireland's GDP may be 5% of the tax Apple potentially 'should' have paid. This is relevant.

If your country is poorer then you are more likely to have poorer food choices. And more likely to be obese, have type 2 diabetes. 

        7-11 Diabesity is lifestyle & food coaching, mindset coaching, practical weekly exercise advice and support. Seeks to educate not medicate and does not give medical or specific nutrition advice.



10th July 2020

Front page of The Times - PM not approved the much campaigned for a 9pm watershed on junk food advertising - I commented on this some time ago. And especially if you have been fasting (!) you are acutely more aware of the types of foods you may crave.

Compulsory calorie counting on menus has resurfaced (restaurants and take-aways)... calories are only part of the answer in keeping the weight off/keeping healthy. A kilo of griddle salmon is accepted by your body in much a different way than a bowl of chips (fries). Your body has a very different hormonal response.

Obesity is also recognised again with COVID: 2x more likely to die if you had the virus.


       7-11 Diabesity is lifestyle & food coaching, mindset coaching, practical weekly exercise advice and support. Seeks to educate not medicate and does not give medical or specific nutrition advice.



9th July 2020

Diet Pills and Appetite Suppressants.

Maybe 1,000 to 2,000 deaths for 'irresponsible' treatments sold by a French Pharmaceutical company. AGAIN. If it is not natural, has labels on, nutrition advice - think twice. 


          7-11 Diabesity is lifestyle & food coaching, mindset coaching, practical weekly exercise advice and support. Seeks to educate not medicate and does not give medical or specific nutrition advice.


2nd  July 2020

BOGOF offers are more likely to be for unhealthy types of foods - not fruit and vegetables. We may see a ban on advertising after 9pm of certain types of foods. Or is it down to personal responsibility not just to soak up advertising. After all the 2017 sugar tax on soft drinks lead to an almost 30% reduction in sugar in those drinks. Nanny state - no idea. If it helps the nation's health, maybe.

   7-11 Diabesity is lifestyle & food coaching, mindset coaching, practical weekly exercise advice and support. Seeks to educate not medicate and does not give medical or specific nutrition advice.


30th June 2020

Diabetes Type 2 is now one of the main causes of death in the West and also China. Diabetes is also linked with Obesity. I will give a free personal training  session to the first person to log into and email me before 12th July 2020.

  7-11 Diabesity is lifestyle & food coaching, mindset coaching, practical weekly exercise advice and support. Seeks to educate not medicate and does not give medical or specific nutrition advice.


22nd June 2020

Daily Telegraph: "Don't eat in front of a screen." - or 'only eat when you are eating' is another way of putting it. I was asked to comment on a diabetes forum this week on a Nestle drink for losing weight. If you follow the 100% clear advice of not buying products that have ingredients in you would not even consider asking a question like that. Not a criticism but it is really that simple to understand. It may take some extra work and thought though. Which is where we slip up - things are meant to be easy. But they are not. 


              7-11 Diabesity is lifestyle & food coaching, mindset coaching, practical weekly exercise advice and support. Seeks to educate not medicate and does not give medical or specific nutrition advice.

21st  June 2020

Kids aged 8 may show early signs of susceptibility to Type 2.

3.9m with Diabetes in the UK. Diabetes UK estimates the true number may be 4.7m {The Times 20th June 2020}. This diagnosed figure has doubled since 1996. About 90% are Type 2. Which is shocking. Why have the numbers jumped up. One answer is HFCS - High Fructose Corn Syrup. A cheaper way of adding sweetness to many of our foods/sauces. Not the only answer as there is none.

Easier said than done feeding your kids fresh food and none-processed food?

Some parents manage it. Poverty may add to this. And there will be many single/parents who have managed to do this without any help. Many rich parents who haven't managed to get their kids to eat greens.

Not my remit.

It is my remit to say if your kids get to be teens and are 'obese' they may be at a higher risk of Type 2.

I will give two advice sessions for free to the first two people who get in touch before the end of June by Skype or visiting on the Fylde Coast, Lancashire, England. 

And again, if you have been on diabetes drugs for Type 2: ask why. It's not the GP's (doctor's) fault per se. Not at all. They do their their best. But you can reverse your Type 2 (in most cases, maybe not in hereditary cases, and I am not an expert on hereditary Type 2) and stop your kids becoming Type 2 by proper food.


      7-11 Diabesity is lifestyle & food coaching, mindset coaching, practical weekly exercise advice and support. Seeks to educate not medicate and does not give medical or specific nutrition advice.


20th June 2020

Not only what you eat but when you eat. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism - late dinners worsens glucose tolerance and reduces fat burning.  Simply put - keep the insulin hormone as it should be used: 'pulsing' and not continually switched on  - similar to antibiotics on one level - the more you use them the less effective they become.

So - if you are a 9 to 5 worker and have 'normal' sleep patterns: skip eating after 6pm or 7pm. Hence '7-11 Diabesity'.

Listen to your body - it tells you when you are hungry. It's not about breakfast, lunch, and dinner. If you are not hungry then don't eat. If you are bored then take hydration first before you get to the fridge.​


     7-11 Diabesity is lifestyle & food coaching, mindset coaching, practical weekly exercise advice and support. Seeks to educate not medicate and does not give medical or specific nutrition advice.


18th June 2020

I joined several groups on Diabetes 2 to help (hopefully), pretty much shocked about some of the lack of basic knowledge on eating only fresh products with no ingredients. Mainly from USA (no offence) as there seems to be loads of people who cannot afford medical insurance and getting a doctor's advice. USA feedback - no medical insurance so you may be on your own. Which may be scary.  USA - don't worry. It's 100% about food and you can do this. Intermittent fasting is free and you can start / stop whenever you want to. It gets rid of the sugar in your liver/body. Basically take a break from eating but keep you healthy foods up.


From an UK perspective this is alien. We (UK) have free access to NHS and GP (doctor).  UK doctors may or may not be up to speed on intermittent fasting, lowering your liver blood sugar, reducing your insulin by stopping the hormone trigger response, changing timings of eating and exercising.


Questions sometimes lead with "Can I eat....such and such products if I am Type 2?"  {Minute Maid, Coca Cola, Diet, Diet Drinks, Sugar Free Sweets."


JUST NO!  if you follow simple guidelines.


Do these sound natural. Did your grandma eat them? Again, start with NO INGREDIENTS. This obviously allows rice and potatoes as maybe a couple of exceptions to the rule.

For example: "Can I eat tomato sauce?" 

Yes you can. It makes money for a big food capitalist and they care more about profits than health. When it gets to the stage that health interferes with profit they might shift it a little on ingredients.

No. Why? "Because it comes pre-packaged, has ingredients, and has a food label."

It is almost as simple as that.  It may be more convenient and also cost less if you don't take time to think about it.


Tomato Sauce Home Recipe from a quick Youtube Google random took 3 seconds:

I'm not a food recipe person. Indian, Italian, Irish. You start from a basic vegetable/herb. 


    7-11 Diabesity is lifestyle & food coaching, mindset coaching, practical weekly exercise advice and support. Seeks to educate not medicate and does not give medical or specific nutrition advice.


3rd June 2020

We used to eat 3 meals a day (in UK and led by USA - no comment on other countries in this specific note). To gt obesity in schools: we now have breakfast, school snack, lunch, PM school snack. Snack before dinner, then dinner. It keeps the weight gain driving hormone insulin on a constant. The eating window can be 7am to 8pm which is 13 hours. Then we have 'Just Eat' at the weekend evenings with a click of a button. Pot Noodle (again) advertising 'Cook Less...Live More.' 

Try changing your eating window to 8 hours with 16 hours non-eating.

Below is a brilliant Jason Fung video. I can't add anything significant to it so I'm not going to.


     7-11 Diabesity is lifestyle & food coaching, mindset coaching, practical weekly exercise advice and support. Seeks to educate not medicate and does not give medical or specific nutrition advice.


26th May 2020

More research on Covid-19.SAGE (the UK government's Scientific Advisory Group) looked at 28,000 hospitalised cases: obese patients are 43% more likely to die if they are obese. Glasgow University in The Daily Telegraph 23rd May 2020: as BMI rises, the likelihood of  more severe Corona Virus.

So if you need some simple advice then please Contact me and I will gladly help. Either over the phone, Skype,

      7-11 Diabesity is lifestyle & food coaching, mindset coaching, practical weekly exercise advice and support. Seeks to educate not medicate and does not give medical or specific nutrition advice.




19th May 2020

It appears that those with who are clinically 'obese' are more at risk for certain cancers, bad diets (not poverty) cause obesity. Obesity doubles your risk of death if you have Covid19. And a doctor's letter in The Times last Saturday goes for the 'eat less move more' argument.  Eating less just reduces your BMR. You can do it for a few months, then you go back to 'type' which is your body asking for calories to maintain it's standard weight.

More exercise is good for lots of reasons obviously.

But reducing your calories just reduces your BMR. Eat the right amount of the right types of foods. Healthy fats first. Avocados/nuts/olive oil/meats (if you are a meat-eater). Then protein. Then non-refined carbohydrates.

Which is easier said than done.

So ask for some advice. For free.

     7-11 Diabesity is lifestyle & food coaching, mindset coaching, practical weekly exercise advice and support. Seeks to educate not medicate and does not give medical or specific nutrition advice.




6th May 2020

More Slimmers' World diets in the national press this past week. People reducing calories - which does not work long term as your BMI can flex up to 40%. Once they have lost the 3 stones let us see the follow up stories. There won't be any over a year. If any at all. As evidenced in the below blog - reducing calories for weight loss is a temporary thing. Not even a temporary 'fix' - it isn't a fix.

Yet we still try to believe in the things that have been proven not to work long term - studies that involved tens of thousands of women at a time. 

I am not going to get into intermittent fasting for type 2 diabetics. You need to see you doctor first. And ask them if they have spent some hours doing their own research in their own time in food and lifestyle. 

  7-11 Diabesity is lifestyle & food coaching, mindset coaching, practical weekly exercise advice and support. Seeks to educate not medicate and does not give medical or specific nutrition advice.



25th April 2020

Bodyweight training

Exercise, as I've said, is about 5-10% of your weight-loss. It's also really important for CV health, mental health, muscular & bone health and a host of other benefits.

If you have no kit and no idea. Don't  worry. Please get in touch and I will give you a free first 4-week plan.

      7-11 Diabesity is lifestyle & food coaching, mindset coaching, practical weekly exercise advice and support. Seeks to educate not medicate and does not give medical or specific nutrition advice.



21st April 2020


This is 7pm to 11am not eating. Not raising your insulin. Giving your body a break from insulin.

If you have been on diabetes type 2 drugs for 30 years maybe it is time to ask your doctor why you are still on medications. 

     7-11 Diabesity is lifestyle & food coaching, mindset coaching, practical weekly exercise advice and support. Seeks to educate not medicate and does not give medical or specific nutrition advice.


19th April 2020

Many factors of obesity & resulting type 2 diabetes.

"Eat less-Move More. Calories-In vs Calories-Out.

Count your carbs. Eat organic.

Buy artificial protein. Go to the gym. Get a Fit Bit."


Long-term these approaches have not been successful. In fact they have failed spectacularly.

If you keep driving insulin levels by eating non-stop the chances are you will put weight on.

Which leaves us with the answer - what to eat and when to eat.

Nothing refined/processed. Not eating 6 meals a day. Moderate protein and higher natural, healthy fats.

Insulin response to food is likely to be highest around late evening.

Follow the Mediterranean model of a small or no breakfast; a large high-fat olive oil/avocado lunch; small snack for dinner.

The next step now you have the knowledge is to put this into practice. Which is easier said than done - hence you pay for a coach to get things done. If you have the knowledge but are still following the same food habits - it's time to change.

7-11 Diabesity is lifestyle & food coaching, mindset coaching, practical weekly exercise advice and support. Seeks to educate not medicate and does not give medical or nutritional advice.


12th April 2020


The next time you see an advert have a closer think about its:

Timing - we are told not to go food shopping on an empty stomach. Food-ads are pushed at tea time and worse still later in the evening for take-away - "JUST EAT" comes to mind. The clue is in the name.

Content - the ads themselves

  • Coke is ridiculous. You would never 'sell' a hot cup of tea with 10 sugars. You might do if it was 'iced tea'.

  • Snickers - 'hangry' - you need a snack.

  • Papa Johns pizza train wafting smells past a penguin who was happily going to eat it's own staple fish.

  • King sized Pot Noodle - "Cook less. Live more." 


Where is the money for advertising vegetables? This sounds silly. But there again, we are the people who eat a processed microwave meal for dinner, get hungry soon after as there was no fibre in it, and then get a pizza delivered later on. That sounds silly too.


7-11 Diabesity is lifestyle & food coaching, mindset coaching, practical weekly exercise advice and support. Seeks to educate not medicate and does not give medical or nutritional advice.



9th April 2020

Glycaemic Index (GI)& Glycaemic Load (GLI) - the practicalities.

We have nutrition information by the bucketful. And still have got more obesity with more type 2 diabetes than ever. If you would like to skip reading the below then stick with the same practical advice: 

  1. Use a local fish merchant/butcher/greengrocer/non-branded health food store for your food.

  2. Try to buy foods with no nutrition labels on them.


Even if you are able to digest the below - how do you implement this on a daily shop?

We have nutrition labels with macro-nutrient amounts per 100ml/100g/portion sizes

 We have carb-counter books, GI books, and now

may 'need' GLI books but nutritional labels don't have GI & GLI on them.


The  average person may not use/have scales/time/inclination to measure their portions out exactly. And indeed would not likely have access to a sports nutritionist to accurately calculate their BMR, exercise expenditure, and specific food needs. ALL THE BELOW WOULD REQUIRE PORTION MEASUREMENTS AND/OR NUTRITION LABELS (or for you to have a book which tells you the nutritional content). For example, a fresh mackerel compared to a tin of mackerel in brine and a tin of mackerel in sugary tomato sauce are all different nutritionally to an extent.


Here we go:


We have been given a term called GI (Glycemic Index): (USA spelling).

  1. Carbohydrates raise blood glucose (much) more than protein & fat so GI index measured carbs.

  2. Blood glucose stimulates insulin release - insulin causes weight gain.

  3. GI ranks foods in identical 50 gram portions of carbohydrate - comparison to the highest GI which is glucose at the number one rank of 100. 


So, first off - what does a 50 g portion look like? 

Secondly, if water melon has a GI of 72, a corn tortilla (52) sugary coke (63): which makes you fatter? This is already becoming almost impractical information.


To get the 50 g of carbs that corresponds to the GI: you would have to consume

  • A whopping 1 kg of water melon! which is highly unlikely.

  • Tortilla (48% carbs by weight) so you would only need to eat 104 g. What does 104 g look like?

  • Only about one 500 ml  (0.5 kg) bottle of coke* for 53 g carbs**. Very easily done - and more if you bought a 2 litre bottle with your pizza.


*I researched (tried to) the exact amount in coke and came up with a pile of misleading information, confusing amounts (as nutrition labels often do - they are designed to sell), between varying countries. We get fruit from all sorts of countries and coke varies from country to country. Below is England: 09/04/2020 13:22

"Nutritional Values Typical values Per: 100ml **Carbohydrate: 10.6g 27g (10%) of which sugars: 10.6g 27g (29%)"


This is now getting confusing, right?

So we then added another layer: Glycemic Load Index (!) which tries to correct this distortion by adjusting for serving size. Again - most of us would not measure their foods exactly, but try to have a general idea - you can google 1,000 pages on serving sizes: plate size, fist size, palm size, etc.


"Glycemic load is based on the glycemic index (GI), and is calculated by multiplying the grams of available carbohydrate in the food by the food's glycaemic index, and then dividing by 100." 09/04/2020 13:47


Taking water melon GLI is very low at 5 and coke 14 in Sydney (Aus), 16 in Atlanta (USA), corn tortilla is high at 25.


Western refined foods have very high GLI (including wholewheat bread as it is processed). And, as you would guess traditional whole foods have low GLI (despite containing similar amounts of carbs).


7-11 Diabesity is lifestyle & food coaching, mindset coaching, practical weekly exercise advice and support. While seeking to educate not medicate and does not give medical or nutritional advice.


7th April 2020

There is nothing in the body that recognises the 'physics/scientific' term called calories.

We need to reference ourselves by hormonal responses to food. Eating  500 'calories' of chocolate cake brings a totally different response to eating 500 calories of olive oil.

We all know that. It is the types of food, the duration of eating:not eating ratio, and also when we eat. What to eat and when to eat it.

7-11 Diabesity is lifestyle & food coaching, mindset coaching, practical weekly exercise advice and support. While seeking to educate not medicate and does not give medical or nutritional advice.


6th April 2020

Trans fats and capitalism.

Capitalism and obesity is a recurring theme. Making foods cheaper, fund a few studies to try and back up what you have done/are doing as an industry, and then wait for the consequences. And then move on to another country to sell the artificial 'product' to.

Trans fats (putting  hydrogen into vegetable oil - in sort of simple terms) were created (again paraphrasing) to increase shelf life of products. Like margarine. Biscuits. And many other man-made food products. It's great for fast food as the trans fat oil can be re-used, again, and again. 

Denmark, Switzerland, & Iceland banned them as research showed a 2% increase in trans-fat consumption increased risk of heart disease by 23%. Canada joined them.

On 15 September 2017, Health Canada announced that trans fat will be completely banned effective on 15 September 2018. and the ban came into effect in September 2018, banning partially hydrogenated oils (the largest source of industrially produced trans fats in foods). › wiki › Trans_fat

So, if you keep to the principle of not buying foods with labels on, the food is less likely to be a 'man-made product.' This is more likely to be healthier.


Your gran ate butter. Not margarine. My gran's birthday is 7th April. She lived independently until aged 92 and never talked about calories. Fat isn't fattening. The idea was literally sold to us. So for obesity and Diabetes Type 2 you would be advised to eat healthy fats - extra virgin olive oil on your salad & vegetables. Small amounts of nuts. Avocados.

To get more benefit from these posts please spend 15 mins and start from the start (below). Thank you.

7-11 Diabesity is lifestyle & food coaching, mindset coaching, practical weekly exercise advice and support. While seeking to educate not medicate and does not give medical or nutritional advice.


5th April 2020

Diabetes Type 2 Weight loss and Intermittent Fasting.

Intermittent fasting has been done for thousands of years. It costs nothing. People fasted and always have done. Most of us (shift workers excluded perhaps) stop eating at dinner (6-8 pm) and don't start eating again until 6-8 am with a break of the fast. Breakfast became 'compulsory' with advertising, industrial scale wheat & corn production, USA subsidies, lobbying, the US Department of Agriculture Food Pyramid. The key is in the name and who might benefit.

Insulin levels lower when you are not eating. And insulin causes weight gain.

Coco pops are sugary and we are told to eat them first thing (even though the body is already primed for action via natural hormones during a night of sleeping and not eating). Doritos are not usually consumed for breakfast. They are usually eaten later in the evening when watching TV. The eating window is widened further. Not to make you healthy but to make money.

7-11 Diabesity is lifestyle & food coaching, mindset coaching, practical weekly exercise advice and support. While seeking to educate not medicate and does not give medical or nutritional advice.


4th April 2020

Positive goals and the subconscious

Focus on what you are GOING to do


"Sleep on it and it'll be better in the morning" was what your mum may have said. Which is correct if you gave your subconscious a positive goal. Your subconscious does not respond to 'away from' fears in the same way as 'towards' goals. We are approximately 5% conscious and 95% subconscious. I do not pretend to be expert in this but am adding to the NLP Master Practitioner & NLP course.

Again - to keep this simple.

  • FOOD: in Paleo (cave women/men) times - if the focus was purely on escaping being eaten you would be in a negative mind set. Go to sleep without a positive plan and not survive. Never able to imagine new ways of gathering foods and creating new ways of getting food in. This kind of makes sense as you would get to the stage of being negative and never going outside of the cave. You need to come up with a positive idea to survive. Your subconscious works to help you to fix things.

  • MONEY: you run a business with your partner. One of you is negatively driven/obsessed with keeping bills down. No matter how low the bills/overheads are {the focus being on a negative}: bills cannot be paid without income. You will never survive/expand/create by thinking like that. Your partner focused on getting more trade into the business. Slept on it and came up with more ideas. And was more DRIVEN.

  • WEIGHT LOSS: {IMPROVING MENTAL HEALTH/MUSCLE GAIN/CV FITNESS} to be successful, needs to be driven by positive goals that tie in/are congruent with who your overall mission/purpose your identity, beliefs, values, behaviours and your environment. THE POINT BEING - IF YOUR SOLE AIM OF WEIGHT LOSS IS A NEGATIVE ONE is proven not to work. "I am scared of type 2 diabetes / unattractive / people have told me to lose weight". You lose a stone and then the motivation decreases as you do not have a positive goal in the sense you are acting in an 'away from'


The subconscious responds towards positive thoughts. And not away from them. Go to sleep with positive action and positive results in mind.

The accents/italics/bold ARE in for a reason. POSITIVE. AIMS. VISUALISING GOALS AND OVERALL PURPOSE.

7-11 Diabesity is lifestyle & food coaching, mindset coaching, practical weekly exercise advice and support. While seeking to educate not medicate and does not give medical or nutritional advice.




3 April 2020


We survived for thousands of years without 'supplements'.


After having reduced calories, been to a gym, taken supplements, 'worked out' 6 days a week.

That is it.

These are the facts - which are backed up by, for example, the Women's Health Initiative Dietary Modification Trial of 50,000 women for over 7 years: eat less move more worked for the first year only

(1.8 kgs per participant)

and then the weight was put back on.

We've got fatter and more diabetes type 2 since the 1970's.

Ask why we now need to take a protein shake, a red bull, or any supplement provided you eat a balanced diet of healthy fats, some proteins from healthy sources, and a lot of home grown-veg. 


We now eat constantly - we do as we are sold (not told) to by big food companies.

Eat less & less frequently and your insulin levels drop.


Eat less (frequently) and your body gets rid of the bad/old cells it & reproduces new ones to get rid of the old ones. Ask your GP before doing anything diet wise - especially so if you are not in good health, chronically underweight/overweight/on medications, have gout/acid reflux/diabetic.

7-11 Diabesity is lifestyle & food coaching, mindset coaching, practical weekly exercise advice and support. While seeking to educate not medicate and does not give medical or nutritional advice.


2nd April 2020

{CICO} Calories In v Calories Out - sequential use of compartmentalised energy storage.

Diabtes Type 2 Reversal.

The body isn't essentially one 'bath' of energy where by simply removing the plug all the energy drops out. There are two compartments of energy storage - glycogen in the liver {the 'fridge' as explained by Dr. Jason Fung}) and body fat (freezer). By keeping the fridge full there's no need to access the freezer. Anything you eat is therefore more likely to be stored as body fat.

An insulin resistant person with an overfull (probably fatty) liver could eat the same amount as a 'normal weight, healthy person' and more likely put weight on. So the fatter you get, literally - the fatter you get (with insulin resistance). We can't have failed on a global scale to just 'discipline' ourselves into exercising more and eating less. Well over 9 times out of ten this failing long-term.

So if you are grossly overweight (several of my clients are over 26 stones (165 kg) in weight and literally do not eat a great deal at all. They are burning sugar not fat because the 'fridge' (glycogen stores in the liver) is always full. A LCHF (Low Carb High Fat) {healthy fats} diet can help a great deal. Intermittent fasting (which we all do to some degree - we don't eat when we are asleep) can also help. The longer you spend eating (time-wise) the more likely the fridge is to be full and also insulin levels to be kept high; which in turn asks the body to produce more insulin - hence we get insulin resistance.

Accessing the 'freezer' (the body fat storage - which is almost limitless when you can see people so fat they have to be winched to hospital) is possible even with the fridge mostly empty.

Glycogen stores reduce greatly within 24 hours or so of not eating.

Again - see your GP before doing any changes to your diet.

The good thing is that they also reduce even with 12 hours of not eating which may give easier access to the freezers: you start using fat not sugar as an energy source. The body burns sugar OR fat for energy but not at the same time.

7-11 Diabesity is lifestyle & food coaching, mindset coaching, practical weekly exercise advice and support. While seeking to educate not medicate and does not give medical or nutritional advice.




1st April 2020 

Wider-Interval Eating 

Again, please ALWAYS consult your GP before changing your diet.

Keeping insulin levels high (by now having 6 meals a day and not 1 or 2) is an easy way for normal, healthy people to gain fat. We have been 'marketed' (sold) to eat non-stop by big food companies. This clearly has not worked as USA is now around 50% Pre-Type 2 Diabetic. The UK is not far behind.

Simply keep the time between meals a little longer. Breakfast as we know, is breaking the 'fast'. This has been around since time began (for humans). Millions do it (religiously so to speak). And always have done.

It costs nothing. So, nobody apart from you gains. No food companies have a say in what you are not eating.

This should make sense. Governments give subsidies to food companies and drug companies - which fund campaigns and 'health' associations.  

Hence 7-11. No food from 7pm to 11am the next day for a healthy person who has already sought medical advice with adequate hydration. This has been done for thousands of years but you need to see your GP before doing this. 

Our hormones (cortisol, growth) are primed overnight if we don't eat to get us up and about in the morning.

The key is putting things into practice. Non-verbal communication is so important.  

7-11 Diabesity is lifestyle & food coaching, mindset coaching, practical weekly exercise advice and support. While seeking to educate not medicate and does not give medical or nutritional advice.


31st March 2020

Satiety, Processed Foods & Weight Loss for type 2 Diabetes.

Babies/kids (usually) do not eat when they are not hungry. Homeostasis of the human body. 

As an adult, we have been programmed by those who sell breakfast snacks to eat 3 times per day even if the body has not given an hormonal response to being hungry. Listen to your body. Your hormones tell you when you need to eat. Processed foods are a creation to make money (or basically cheaper food production) along with advertising. If you think how ridiculous a Coca Cola advert is. 10 teaspoons of sugar per drink makes you happy/beautiful?

Diabetes food books 10 years ago had no problem with sugary tomato ketchup and also aspartame. Whatever research you do, start with one question: is it natural? 

If farmed salmon 'farmers' have to wear full protective equipment when spraying their enclosed waters of fish. Maybe have a look at what a 'food lot' is. An unnatural environment for animals.

7-11 Diabesity is lifestyle & food coaching, mindset coaching, practical weekly exercise advice and support. While seeking to educate not medicate and does not give medical or nutritional advice.


28th March 2020

Foods without fibre. Type 2 Diabetes.

Fibre is natural and fills you up. Your stomach and intestines literally tell your body what to do by releasing hormones {Incretins} when you eat to reduce blood sugar/augment insulin release}. Insulin causes weight gain. The more often we eat - the more insulin. So fibre is a good thing as it slows us down and fills us up. You can't rush eating most vegetables! (Don't) Try eating 2 whole oranges really fast - it's hard. They contain fibre. But you can drink a pint of fresh orange (6 oranges) in a few seconds.


Fibre is found in natural, whole foods. Fibre is also removed by big food companies to make literally all their foods more palatable {sweeter and less filling - hence you can fit a dessert after you are full after a big dinner}, cheaper and more quickly 'eatable'.


Refined products are basically not natural and not what your body is used to.


  • Reducing Calories-in to Calories-Out and exercising more has been proven not to work.

  • Low Carb-Low Fat didn't work for getting weight down long-term.  

  • Neither did Atkins. Proteins also raise insulin.


The answer is to reduce insulin.

7-11 Diabesity is lifestyle & food coaching, mindset coaching, practical weekly exercise advice and support. While seeking to educate not medicate and does not give medical or nutritional advice.


27th March 2020

High Fructose Corn Syrup and Type 2 Diabetes.

Developed in the 1960's as a (have a guess) cheaper version of sucrose in liquid form. Both are glucose and fructose bound together. HFCS has 55% fructose which can only be processed by the liver. Hence you get a fatty liver which once full cannot cope and ends up with insulin resistance in the liver. Scientists have been aware of this for years.

HFCS is found in most processed foods - pizza sauce, bread, soup, biscuits, cakes, ketchup. And it's not good for you. In fact - it's really bad for you.

So, try not to eat processed foods. Which is so easy to say - and we all know they aren't 'ideal' or good for you. But we still do it - because we're too busy, don't have time to prepare food, etc.

That's why you book assistance - weekly advice. For a week, a month, or six months.

7-11 Diabesity is lifestyle & food coaching, mindset coaching, practical weekly exercise advice and support. While seeking to educate not medicate and does not give medical or nutritional advice.


27th March 2020

Portion sizes

In my ultimate (final) corporate gym review I was questioned about portion sizes - if your plate starts being filled with half of a whole broccoli and half a cauliflower then it's going to be pretty hard to overeat. If your plate starts with a salad bowl drizzled with olive oil, flax seed & turmeric dropped on top - it's going to be quite hard to overeat. I know literally only one or two people who will painstakingly weigh their food, have attempted to estimate their BMR (and then estimate their macros), ultimately dedicating two or three hours in the kitchen almost every day. Which is admirable.

So - if you eat clean foods it's far easier to make sure you don't overeat.

7-11 Diabesity is lifestyle & food coaching, mindset coaching, practical weekly exercise advice and support. While seeking to educate not medicate and does not give medical or nutritional advice.

26th March 2020

Artificial Low-Calorie Sweeteners

{ALCS from now on}

If the major cause of weight gain is (constant not pulsed) insulin and insulin resistance then we should not be eating 6 meals a day and keeping insulin levels high. By drinking 'diet' sodas, 'diet' yogurts, etc. with no sugar in - why are we still gaining  weight and have more diabetes? ALCS may reduce calories and sugar. BUT aspartame et al may raise insulin higher than table sugar (sucrose - a 50:50 combination of glucose and fructose). So your diet cola & sugar free drinks, ALCS protein shakes conversely to what you might think, could be making you fatter. Why are they advertised on an LCD right in front of your gym entrance? Simply because they make money.

Think before you buy any food that is artificial.

7-11 Diabesity is lifestyle & food coaching, mindset coaching, practical weekly exercise advice and support. While seeking to educate not medicate and does not give medical or nutritional advice.


25th March 2020

Trying to reduce calories-in-calories-out (CICO)

This has been proven not to work (long term). Hence we go to the gym and 'diet'. For the massive majority, it has been proven eating less and exercising more is not a long term solution. Eating correctly and timely is 95% of the answer. As we did before capitalism.

Sure - keep exercising for CV and muscle/bone benefits. Ask why are your gym buddies who spin 5 x per week still classified as obese.

Aged 16 most of us have the hormones to cope with a bad diet.

So it's about hormonal responses to food. Your food sends your body a hormonal response: broccoli sends a different signal to bread.

That's why food coaching is needed - to change food habits. It is almost all about food - not exercise. Hence I quit my job after 15 years in a gym. Your gym should actually talk about food then. Mine didn't have any input on food as part of standard reviews. Yours may or may not.

7-11 Diabesity is lifestyle & food coaching, mindset coaching, practical weekly exercise advice and support. While seeking to educate not medicate and does not give medical or nutritional advice.


21st March 2020

Intermittent fasting, hence the name "7-11", implies less grazing time and more non-feeding time - 7 pm to 11 am as a start. Or 6 pm to midday the next day. DO NOT DO THIS WITHOUT TAKING MEDICAL ADVICE if you have health issues. And we've done it for thousands of years. We were 'marketed breakfast cereal bars/cereals' (sold to by big businesses/capitalism) to have breakfast (the breaking of a fast). In fact, our bodies, via hormones such as growth hormone and cortisol (motivates you to get up in the morning and raises blood sugar) are designed to keep the body in homeostasis*. Your body is very clever. It copes.




  1. the tendency towards a relatively stable equilibrium between interdependent elements, especially as maintained by physiological processes

7-11 Diabesity is lifestyle & food coaching, mindset coaching, practical weekly exercise advice and support. While seeking to educate not medicate and does not give medical or nutritional advice.


18th  March 2020

Insulin (a hormone) causes weight gain - not calories. Insulin should regulate blood glucose ('blood sugar) in a normal healthy person. It helps the body's cells to absorb this glucose. Insulin causes weight gain when these cells absorb too much glucose --> the body converts this into fat. By constantly eating/snacking 6 times a day insulin levels are kept high. We were told to eat 3 meals a day and then constantly snack - which keeps insulin levels high. Over a day. Over a week. Long-term. Which leads to weight gain.

Hormones are meant to pulse so as to be effective.

If you keep, for example, your cortisol hormones high all day via stress - your body responds accordingly by keeping blood sugar high; thus raising insulin levels to attempt to reduce this blood sugar. The more insulin you produce, the more your body becomes used to it, or to put it another way, the insulin hormone becomes less effective. 

The body likes homeostasis (to stay the same / balance) to survive.

By constantly keeping insulin levels high - you gain weight. Ask how to solve this by dietary means. This does not apply to hereditary type 2 diabetes - you need to seek medical advice from your GP (qualified doctor) as with any advice. This by no means is not anything to do with diabetes type 1. 

7-11 Diabesity is lifestyle & food coaching, mindset coaching, practical weekly exercise advice and support and while seeking to educate not medicate and does not give medical or nutritional advice.



15th March 2020

By the time you have consumed pre, during & post workout drinks, then a protein shake.....and are exercising 5-6 a week.

Are you getting slimmer? Waist:height ratio: should LESS THAN HALF. 

7-11 Diabesity is lifestyle & food coaching, mindset coaching, practical weekly exercise advice and support and while seeking to educate not medicate and does not give medical or nutritional advice.


9th March 2020

Reversing type 2 diabetes and reversing your obesity gets harder with time spent in that hormonally-imbalanced state. Have you ever heard of the phrase "She always struggled with her weight?"  Chances are that it got worse over time. Insulin causes weight gain. Insulin causes insulin resistance. And insulin resistance causes even more insulin creation. A vicious cycle. Even eating the correct foods may not cure this. But it's still a good thing. Draining the sugar out of the body is the way to break the cycle which involves basically having less time eating than not-eating. We don't need six meals (snacks, etc) a day. And never did do. 

7-11 Diabesity is lifestyle & food coaching, mindset coaching, practical weekly exercise advice and support and while seeking to educate not medicate and does not give medical or nutritional advice.


8th March 2020

Cortisol - a stress hormone - used short-term to get out of physically demanding situations. Raises blood sugar for a short while. Not too problematic. We don't have too many absolute fight or flight where the sympathetic nervous system needs to respond to avoid injury/death. We do now have longer-term stressors - a problem at work /with your career, family illness, protracted divorce, civil litigation (going to court over money, either as defendant or otherwise, etc.). 

BUT. If you have long-term psychological stress: raises cortisol - raises blood sugar longer-term (which is a problem) --> raises insulin = weight gain. Some stress is good as it gets you motivated to act (to avoid an accident); long-term stress needs to be addressed. Easier said than done. Recognising the need for change and asking for help is a start.

7-11 Diabesity is lifestyle & food coaching, mindset coaching, practical weekly exercise advice and support and while seeking to educate not medicate and does not give medical or nutritional advice.


5th March 2020

Homeostasis: your body attempts hormonally and via Total Energy Expenditure (TEE) (largely BMR-Basal Metabolic Rate, but certainly not exclusively) to maintain a stable state/weight. Reducing calories in reduces TEE/BMR (calories out); increasing calories out (exercise) increases calories in - you build up an appetite and your body responds hormonally.

You can't out-run a bad diet. Reducing calories loses weight short-term. But long-term you put the weight back on. Logical since your body wants to preserve itself and increases Ghrelin hormone (to tell you that you're hungry).

So you need to adjust your macros. High healthy fats, moderate protein intake, low carbohydrate - ZERO refined carbohydrate for better long-term health/weight loss.

It is easier said than done.  Hence I coach people weekly to make manageable, consistently achievable progress.

7-11 Diabesity is lifestyle & food coaching, mindset coaching, practical weekly exercise advice and support and while seeking to educate not medicate and does not give medical or nutritional advice.


22nd February 2020

Almost all type 2 is reversible by diet. Ask your GP. Low-Carbohydrate High-Fat (healthy fat) diets work. Intermittent fasting as well as LCHF diet can also work even better. Most of us have at least several days of 'fasting' - we break our 'fast' with....breakfast. USA has gone from a 3 meal a day regime to a 5-6 meals (snacks) a day regime and the percentage of meals eaten outside the home has mirrored the reduction of eating meals at home. And they have got fatter and more ill.

7-11 Diabesity is lifestyle & food coaching, mindset coaching, practical weekly exercise advice and support and while seeking to educate not medicate and does not give medical or nutritional advice.


21st February 2020

The statistics are true about Type 2 Diabetes: despite the metformin/insulin, other drugs. PEOPLE DO NOT GET OFF THE DRUGS unless they rid their body/liver of the excess sugar in it.

I've met another 3 people today who don't see their doctors from one month/year and are still on medications. And they do not get one to one advice on food. 




I work 3 jobs, one purely in Type 2, one in a therapy  centre, and also a law clinic.

The evidence is there: Type 2 people who have been on medications for 1 to 30 years... Are still fat. (Basically) if they have followed the calories in and calories out advice that has consistently been proven to not work.

Ask your GP for bespoke food advice and for them to explain why you have a dietary condition which is repeatedly and not treated Type 2 Diabetes,

7-11 Diabesity is lifestyle & food coaching, mindset coaching, practical weekly exercise advice and support and while seeking to educate not medicate and does not give medical or nutritional advice.


19th February 2020

Meetings with more type 2 diabetes clients and one type 1 diabetes today. And an internet/social media marketing expert. The marketing expert was indeed an expert in his field and very successful. 'Roll the advice out in videos to capture an unlimited market.' Diabetes type 2 is on an exponential rise. Generic advice may not work for everyone - hence one to one meetings.

7-11 Diabesity is lifestyle & food coaching, mindset coaching, practical weekly exercise advice and support and while seeking to educate not medicate and does not give medical or nutritional advice.


18th February 2020

Combining a low-carbohydrate, high healthy fat diet with intermittent fasting is an ideal way to lose weight whilst keeping the calories up (not down!). Calorie-restricting diets have been proven, long term, not to be successful as they reduce your Basal Metabolic Rate. 


11th February 2020

"Following a low-fat, calorie-restricted diet, and increasing exercise have long been the recommended lifestyle treatment for T2D. There is only one problem with this seemingly common sense advice. It doesn’t work at all." Dr.Jason Fung. 


The key is putting food plans into action. Which is where weekly reviews come in.

7-11 Diabesity is lifestyle & food coaching, mindset coaching, practical weekly exercise advice and support and while seeking to educate not medicate and does not give medical or nutritional advice.


10th February 2020

After more than two thousand reviews in obesity/weight loss/avoiding pre-type 2 diabetes, it is clear that simply handing out generic PT & Diet plans does not work as effectively as actually meeting clients face to  face, reading body language, eye movement, and goal congruence. Ideally from a money making perspective advice can be handed out online. This will work for some. Click funnels may work for generic services/products. To get results this takes personal agreements for most people. 

7-11 Diabesity is lifestyle & food coaching, mindset coaching, practical weekly exercise advice and support and while seeking to educate not medicate and does not give medical or nutritional advice.


9th February 2020

  • You can become very overweight or diagnosed as pre/Type 2 Diabetes in a couple of months if you overload yourself with sugar.

  • SHORT TERM FIXES are not successful. That's why we keep going back to diets. To be correct - we have been sold/educated to do so  and it has been proven not to work.

7-11 Diabesity is lifestyle coaching, mindset coaching, practical weekly advice and support and while seeking to educate not medicate and does not give medical advice.


9th February 2020

After doing weekly weigh-ins for over 15 years in many circumstances my 2,000 clients who wanted to lose weight after 14 and a half years of doing reviews: weigh-ins were not that important; waist measurement to height may be a better indication of long term health. Getting there is my expertise.

If you are pre-diabetic type 2 or Diabetic.


6th February 2020

Try to fix yourself first. Start by writing your food diary. A bit of a faff at first but you soon get into a routine and can see patterns of types of foods (and amounts) you've eaten. As slimming shakes do not grow on trees or in the ground, run-fly-swim they are off our recommended foods. 

The word 'diet' maybe now synonymous with reducing calories, stopping take-aways/fast food, & being a short-term 1-2-3 month starvation: for a finite amount of time. HOW you implement long-lasting improvements to what you eat and how you move is not a generic process.

                             7-11 Diabesity is lifestyle coaching, mindset coaching, practical weekly advice and support and while seeking to educate not medicate and does not give medical advice.


5th February 2020

That the types of food we eat sends hormonal signals to our bodies is now recognised. The body reacts to those signals in different ways. The key is not just learning about the food you eat but why you eat what you eat when you eat it: the emotional /mental side of eating.

Physical activity is obviously great for a variety of physical/mental health reasons. But despite...


"UK gym membership statistics reveal that there are almost 10 million gym members nationwide [Leisure Database 2018]. The UK penetration rate is 14.9% which equates to 1 in every 7 people being a member of a gym [Leisure Database 2018].3 Apr 2019 › gym-market-statistics"


...UK has more diabetes type 2 & obesity than ever. Emailing/handing out 'diet' sheets based on calories-in-calories-out may not be the way to go.  

                             7-11 Diabesity is lifestyle coaching, mindset coaching, practical weekly advice and support and while seeking to educate not medicate and does not give medical advice

29th January 2020

If you spend more time doing more 'pleasant' things with pleasant people it is more time in the parasympathetic zone & is better for your body. 

Clients mention stress with a common denominator of not having hobbies/pastimes. Stress can affect your hormones - weight gains/reduced weight loss can be a side effect of having raised cortisol.

                            7-11 Diabesity is lifestyle coaching, mindset coaching, practical weekly advice and support and while seeking to educate not medicate and does not give medical advice


28th January 2020

Many Type 2/others have been very successful in losing three of four stones and then putting the weight back on again.

They may/not know why this cycle continued for them, and got worse in many cases: i.e. do not understand the relationship they may have with food (or not even have ever considered there are many reasons different people go to the fridge), may not currently have the mental tools, strategies, and lifestyle planning to cope with a long-term healthy eating plan. 


This is a pretty distressing cycle.


Many are aware that the next teaspoon of sugar, tiger bread, etc. could be simply adding to an overloaded fatty liver/pancreas/fatty muscles, and basically drips into your blood to add to blood sugar (and the complications of high blood sugar you are aware of).


Yet they still do it. One of the keys to change is at least to understand why we eat when we eat, what we eat when we eat, and how we eat when we eat - specifically as an individual. We do not all have the same histories with food.



                 7-11 Diabesity is lifestyle coaching, mindset coaching, practical weekly advice and support and while seeking to educate not medicate and does not give medical advice


26th January 2020

Research into Diabetes Type 2 may be conflicting and confusing. We have been 'sold' or given low-fat/low-calorie/supplement diets for over 30 years. And Obesity/Diabetes 2 has gone through the roof. That is a fact. 


                         Try doing a single Sunday feeding yourself/kids foods that do not have labels on them.

                                                 Your grandma/great gran managed to. Before TV advertising




"Can Type 2 diabetes go away?

There is no cure for diabetes*[SEE BELOW]. Neither type 1 (juvenile onset or insulin-requiring) diabetes or type 2 (adult-onset)** diabetes ever goes away. ... The patient's insulin needs are minimal and some patients may actually find they can maintain normal or near normal blood glucose taking little or no insulin. www  / .org › info › will_diabetes go_away"


"Type 2 diabetes in children is a chronic disease*** that affects the way your child's body processes sugar (glucose). It's important to manage your child's diabetes because its long-term consequences can be disabling or even life-threatening. ... In fact, it used to be called adult-onset**** diabetes."


*         Many practitioners worldwide believe type 2 is reversible

**       Type 2 is not always adult-onset. Up to date research in the UK states nearly 7,000 children/young adults are Type 2.

***     'Chronic disease' definition is 'persisting for a long time or constantly recurring.' Sort of true in Diabetes Type 2. The diagnosis                     might have been persisting; constantly recurring is down to an individual not persistently keeping insulin levels higher than                       normal.

****   Diabetes 2 affects children: what they are fed. And are being effectively told to eat by accessing online/XXXXtube.


Some pre/toddlers can already point a yellow 'M' sign out, recognise a 'Kinder Egg' i.e. When, where, how were they exposed to this advertising/entertainment. Associating associates the signs with as basically 'presents'. These memories are stored, relating these types of food with pleasure. 


Further research: "if you are below the Type 2 blood sugar diagnosis levels for over a year you have effectively passed the 'remission' stage."


Which may be of more use. Being labelled as permanently 'pre-type 2' is exactly that: a label. Individuals will process this in different ways: positively or negatively. 

                7-11 Diabesity is lifestyle coaching, mindset coaching, practical weekly advice and support and while seeking to educate not medicate and does not give medical advice


25th January 2020

Two hours of meetings with diabetes professionals today. Thank you, lots of credit and admiration for people who dedicate large portions of their lives to help others. Which raised some questions they gladly answered:

- there is (largely) more reliance on having other people/organisations to 'fix' individuals and less individual responsibility in terms of          physical & mental health education i.e. more reactive than pro-active.  

- we consume food and drink products that we are 'directed' to consume. 

- you are not expected in many instances to stop diabetes type 2 drugs if you continue to live the same lifestyle you have always done      {if it was that lifestyle (and not hereditary, pregnancy, or other issues)} and that was a factor in you being diagnosed.



You may be continuing the 'calories-in-calories-out' paradigm, do not understand that food basically gives information to the body ND to react to it.

Eating two fillets of fresh fatty salmon and a whole broccoli does not create the same hormonal response as consuming a 2 litre bottle of sugary coca cola. 

Calories do not even come into that previous sentence regards to insulin (and blood sugar).


a. Calories AND portion sizes are for many, extremely hard to count day in, day out, week in, week out.

b. Calories were born in a science lab and do not take account of the hormonal information they give the body. 

c. Reducing calories on a steady, continual basis reduces your BMR. 

               7-11 Diabesity is lifestyle coaching, mindset coaching, practical weekly advice and support and while seeking to educate not medicate and does not give medical advice


23rd January 2020


Are Lucozade, Sugary Red Bull, or Coca-Cola/Pepsi/sugary drinks good for you? Capitalism effectively keep us fat by advertising:

Imagine an advertisement: picture the fastest drug free woman/man in the world: putting 10 teaspoons of sugar in a cup of tea after their race. And teach that to your kids.


Some ' Protein' Diet Products which are effectively weight gainers are advertised in gyms.

If you buy into the 'calories in - calories out theory' : your BMR may be estimated at 1,500 calories/day); you take a pre-workout (which 99% of us will not be able to explain the ingredients/content of); during workout bottled water nutrient drink; post workout protein shake (because we've trained arms/abs); are more hungry now you've exercised so your Ghrelin kicks in - and you want to eat. Not that exercise is bad for you at all. It's great for a lot of reasons. But we got fatter. Despite the £10.99 gym. We got fatter.


95% OK have a poor-ish diet if you are aged 18 male or female: your body is in full hormone status and if you are lean, muscled, fit: you may get away with eating processed foods. 

The rest of you just get fatter.

                 7-11 Diabesity is lifestyle coaching, mindset coaching, practical weekly advice and support and while seeking to educate not medicate and does not give medical advice


20th January 2020

"NICE (National Institute for Health Care and Excellence) guidance recommends that everyone diagnosed with diabetes should be offered free health education...(sic) only 6% newly diagnosed with Type 2 have attended a course.

Education is a vital component in preventing and controlling the disease. National courses are available, attendance rates are poor due to referral rates, long waiting times, transport, and also the complex psychological payload that comes with diagnosis (sic) for the patient/client. See

Have you found your local greengrocer. {These updates/tips may not make sense unless you have read the earlier ones on occasion}.

                7-11 Diabesity is lifestyle coaching, mindset coaching, practical weekly advice and support and while seeking to educate not medicate and does not give medical advice


19th January 2020

Organising/Planning Food: diets don't work. 100%

MAKE A SIMPLE START: do ONE of these things this January/February 2020 and you may make some improvements. 

1.Buy a tiny notebook for yourself which isn't shared online. Do a food diary. PUT YOUR KID'S FOOD DIARY IN IT TOO. 

2.Send your kid to school after having a real meal not something Mr Kellogg or Mr Warburton sold your parents. 

3.Where is your local greengrocer?

Take your kids/husband/wife or pooch for a walk around your town and find it. That's it.

          7-11 Diabesity is lifestyle coaching, mindset coaching, practical weekly advice and support and while seeking to educate not medicate and does not give medical advice.


17th January 2020

First Testimonial of 2020 changing a client's Type 2 Diabetes diagnosis - effectively downgrading it by food, lifestyle advice, & exercise. Great! Share this if you like it. It works. 

               7-11 Diabesity is lifestyle coaching, mindset coaching, practical weekly advice and support and while seeking to educate not medicate and does not give medical advice.


16th January 2020

The psychology of eating and emotional eating is key. 

To sum up 100's of pages of note taking and reading:

Listen to your gut. Your stomach/gut/body tells you when you need food.. it rumbles. Your brain sometimes (often) tells you to go to the fridge/crisps/chocolate because you are not mentally/physically stimulated/have other 'issues'. 

SO - if you find yourself at the fridge/larder then take a moment and ask yourself 'why' you are there.

Is it your brain or your tummy driving you to eat?

            7-11 Diabesity is lifestyle coaching, mindset coaching, practical weekly advice and support and while seeking to educate not medicate and categorically does not give medical advice

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