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Brief History of Diabetes2


Simply put: this is a dietary disease. Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes go hand in hand. Obesity has increased exponentially since the 1970's 'Food Pyramid' guidelines - politically led in the USA - USDA - US Department of Agriculture encouraging daily consumption of breads, cereals, potatoes, pasta, rice, and other starchy foods. Guess where the bread, pasta, cereals, sugar producers led the West. And now the rest of the world. The cheapest produce. Sponsored health reviews. It's not complicated nor a conspiracy theory. Big companies want us to eat more. 


You now need to 'snack' 3 x per day on top of your 3 meals a day. Unheard of before the 1970's and unheard of in cave women/paleo times. We now spike the hormone insulin by eating more hours and fasting less hours.


With Type 2 your body has high blood sugar and does not cope with it in the way a healthy body does. This can have very serious health consequences which do not go away unless addressed. 100 years ago there was Canadian research/evidence of the way to go on Diabetes TYPE 2 which was dietary and not medicinal. We now have an exponential increase in Type 2. And a market to sell Diabetes Type 2 drugs to basically over half of the USA. China has a higher percentage of pre/Type 2 than the USA. The UK does not have an impressive record.


The USA has now more people pre-Diabetes Type 2 and Type 2 than there are non-diagnosed.


This is a 1970's 40-50 year exponential phenomenon. Feed people insulin (which they may be resistant to already) and other drugs to reduce blood sugar...which is not the root of the problem.


What is being done is clearly not working. That is a fact. We are getting fatter (which does not help diabetes 2 whichever research and your GP tells you

What is working is people taking control of their lifestyles. For most people you cannot just tell them what to do as they do not do it. 




Changing your Type2 Diagnosis




I've simply copied the success stories of experts in the field who have proven, safe results and applied to my successful clients in reversing Pre/Type 2.


There is in some ways no need to understand - JUST follow the actions of successful people. This is the key. People don't succeed for a plethora of reasons or excuses. It is 100% up to you whether you want to succeed.


However, THIS HAS TO BE A MULTI-FACETED APPROACH. You cannot simply tell a client who has been morbidly obese for 20 years or more to simply: "read this diet, fast for 16 hours a day (or whatever it may be), and do this exercise regime."

For the 1% it may work.

Others will undoubtedly need assistance in learning how to:

  1. manage/change their lifestyle

  2. cook and how to shop

  3. to exercise

  4. understand that although they may be overeating - it might be more to do with the types of food they are eating

  5. get motivated



You may or may not need a health issue/scare such as a pre/diabetes 2 diagnosis (and be told you need drugs/medicines for the rest of your life) to make a decision to change.


Successful clients I have seen are those who have reached an absolute turning point. Mine was a Great North Run - I'd done about ten of them, a fabulous half marathon. I was 20 stones in weight. Looked at my running partner (after 1 mile) and said "I'm done in already - another 12 miles to go...Never, never again feeling this bad."


You may/not be at this crossroads stage about making a health change. I'm not going to convince you. You are either ready or not. 

We need to change our behaviours/eating habits... you cannot out exercise a bad diet.

Diabetes type 2 is a dietary disease not an exercise disease for 80% of it so I thought. I have seen clients reverse their diagnoses (and research shows this) with moderate exercise only - 95% diet and 5% exercise. Which went against my original thoughts of chasing 26 stone clients up and down sand dunes. It is a combination of the two - food and exercise/lifestyle.










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