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Email: 6th January 2020:


"Dear Gav,


Many thanks for all your help with my type 2 diabetes.

Since coming to see you after my diagnosis and following your dietary advice and exercise plan, which required very little will power but a certain amount of dedication I am pleased to inform you that I am now pre-diabetic.

I will continue with your advice and hopefully after my next review I will be back to being non-diabetic.


Thanks once again"


{Mr W}


Review 16th March 2020:


"After my heart attack aged 47 and looking after my disabled wife and daughter I quit having 10 coffees with sugar a day and now have a idea about food as my teenage daughter was getting fat. I saw Gavin four times for free as I was strapped for cash. Now I simply make sure each meal has colour in it - yellow, green, red from veg or eggs. I've lost 2 stone and now have an idea what to do about food."




The food advice given for the above client was tailor made:

  • 'don't buy anything with a nutrition label on it'

  • find your local fishmonger/greengrocer/butcher and ask your butcher for affordable foods (he wasn't a vegetarian) such as liver, kidneys, and cheaper cuts.


It's not (as) complicated if you lived in a non-westernised country. I was privileged to live in Tanzania & Kenya and see/live (food wise) a more simple way.  Western foods are now invading East Africa - I have never tasted such sugary bread. It literally tastes like sweet tea from my experience.


Mystery Shopper Review 02/03/19

{Their typos not mine! This was simply the original document)


Don’t forget to share these comments with gavin and celebrate the great work they have done.


Location: Blackpool

Visit Date:02/03/2019

Staff Name: gavin

WOW Comment:"helpful and knowlwdgeable staff member always happy to help and cleans constanlty

Don’t forget to share these comments with Gav and celebrate the great work they have done."


Location: Blackpool

Visit Date:03/03/2019

Staff Name: Gav

WOW Comment: "Gav is an amazing PT. His classes are the best. The skills learnt from his classes are great. Other classes are bad but his are very good".



Shopper Anonymous UK  Review 16/07/2016


{Core Class: Mother aged approximately 55 and daughter aged approximately 25 yrs old}.


"The class was not the traditional tummy toning session my daughter and I had been expecting as most of the exercises were performed wither standing or kneeling. Gavin demonstrated the exercises before we performed them, and offered different alternatives to suit our individual levels of ability. His instructions were very easy to understand. He was also careful to ensure that my daughter did not do any exercises which would aggravate her injury. Gavin corrected our posture when necessary to ensure we were performing the exercises correctly and safely.

We found the class fun, interesting and stimulating, but very challenging. It was a good all-over body workout, but focused primarily on the core muscles and abdominals. Gavin was encouraging and enthusiastic, and pushed us to go outside our comfort zones to improve our levels of fitness. He very quickly built up a rapport with us, which made the class very enjoyable.

Most of the exercises we had never done before, which added interest to the class. The session ended with us pulling each other round the floor with ropes round our waists, which was hard work, but great fun. It almost felt like pulling a sledge over snow.

The class did not finish on time, but we felt this was a positive factor, as there was no other class in the studio after our session. Gavin took the time to show us extra exercises in the gym on our own. We found the class a very enjoyable experience, and felt that Gavin was an excellent ambassador for the club.


My daughter and I both left the class feeling very encouraged to attend the class again."





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