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About 7-11 Lifestyle Coaching

Key Skills


Obesity & Type 2 Diabetes

Practical advice that works for YOU One on one weight loss advice

Exercise Advice

Personal Training or with a friend


Mission Statement & Our Story


Hello, firstly..

the WHY 


I love the success stories my clients get! and take pride in seeing their faces/health/lifestyle improvements. The knock-on effects are in self confidence and the way other people treat you when you are happy and feel good!..this ties in with my MAIN goal:


"Getting ordinary and 'extraordinary' people who are overweight, maybe told they are Pre-Type 2 Diabetes / Type 2 Diabetes and to get them to be healthy/healthier."


 'Extraordinary' in the sense some of my clients are:

  • TIME RICH but are nearly at Type 2 Diagnosis: feel they are a lost cause and motivationally at zero and may have a fear of hospital group sessions.

  • HAVE NO TIME: to prepare food/exercise. In 9 to 5 jobs which are in effect 10-12 hour days + Plus having a family/grand kids.

  • PARENTS OF OVERWEIGHT KIDS: some are 12 yrs old -  parents have to get involved as their kids do only 1 PT (Physical Fitness) a week. {under-18's - parent/s need to be there and learn also}. I was shocked my niece has only one PT session in 5 days.

  • MONEY NO OBJECT BUT HEALTH IS NOW AN ISSUE: Diabetes 2 -  may have all the exercise kit but no motivation/discipline and need assistance.

  • MANY: little spare cash after all the bills) and want a one off boost for education in food, lifestyle, and exercise at home/the beach, etc. Book a one off session for a review.


I'm passionate about all this! 100%. Initial meetings can be a ping-pong of ideas - what you can do, what you want to do and what you are able/willing to change to cannot be a one-way conversation: you will probably have a proven track record of 10-40 years of getting fat/not doing the right things diet wise.



Practical day to day working in a commercial gym and PT: Profiling, education (listening), and achieving results is the most important part..


I am well qualified: Level 4 Diabetes & Obesity Coach, L3 Personal Trainer, L3 YMCA GP Referral, L2 YMCA Gym Instructor, lifestyle coach with 25 years of experience in the fitness/coaching industry.

15 years at a local nationally branded gym.

I'm passionate about helping people like yourself find your own route to health and fitness..encouraging/advising you to be your own personal best.
I've personally coached/trained clients at my two training rooms, the beach, and home visits.


Overseas Experience

Mentored/coached in Kenya & Tanzania for 6 months in food advice, rugby, & coached disabled adults/kids in body weight training.

Food advice in Kenya was an absolute challenge - in food availability, education, and also people having no time/money.



"To help all to change TO BE THEIR OWN PERSONAL BEST."

I do not believe in generic programs. From my experience it is impossible to simply 'tell' a client/member to eat X,Y,Z - they may have little experience in cooking or an extremely limited type of food they are used to.

Exercise wise - many only have time to train at home on their own or have a dread of going to a gym.

Many do not like group sessions and group results. It can be stressful and pressurising. Some pressure can be motivating - but not pressure is - especially in public.  


WHY CHOOSE GAVIN:  7-11 Diabesity

It's a combination of getting the 3 below done consistently and building them into your daily habits.

  1. Food advice.

  2. Exercise advice - your adviser is a personal trainer.

  3. PRACTICAL lifestyle advice.


Gavin M. Lees  LLM MSc BA L4 Personal Trainer in Diabetes & Obesity


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